The products of Latinlan are Products from the Heart:
1. Because they are handmade by surviving women and heads of households.
2. Because they are free from animal cruelty.
3. Because they tell beautiful stories of our environmental and cultural heritage
Physically, the heart is a hollow muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. In the term of a lifetime, a heart will pump 1,500,000 barrels of blood

The heart performs more physical work than any other muscle in the body. Each day, the human heart generates energy to move a vehicle for 32 kilometers.

It is the first organ that is formed in the human being when the fetus has only four weeks of conception and that heartbeat does not stop until we die.

The human heart weighs around 280grs. Women's hearts are smaller and pump faster than men's

To keep the heart physically healthy, healthy eating, exercise and laughter is recommended. Laughter is able to increase blood circulation by up to 20%, and to relax the walls of blood vessels.

Energetically, the heart is also the fourth chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit meaning "unharmed" or "unharmed" in reference to the fact that beneath the wounds and bad experiences is a place where there is no harm and where it is located. spirituality and purity.

Some aspects of the Heart Chakra are self-love, love for others, love
compassion, empathy, the ability to forgive and the appreciation of beauty in all things.

The colors related to the heart chakra are green and pink.

When we live from our heart and our energy is open and balanced, we can clearly see and position ourselves in any situation, no matter how challenging, with discernment and compassion.

The heart is a symbol of love and passion in the whole world. Like the love and passion that there is in Latinlan; love and passion for our culture.